Eating vegetables daily is an essential part of a healthy diet. The nutrients in vegetables are vital for the health and maintenance of your body. A diet rich in vegetables may help reduce the risk of stroke, cancer and heart diseases.

K&K Produce supply a full range of vegetables and salads and work with our domestic and international growers/farmers to ensure only the freshest vegetables are supplied in store.

At K&K Produce we maximize the availability of home-grown, indigenous vegetables but also import products from countries such as France, Holland, Italy, Spain and the UK. This enables us to ensure produce is available throughout the year.


Known as one of the best the super foods, broccoli is good for almost everything as it is loaded with fiber, iron, protein, vitamins and minerals. Be careful when cooking, as overcooking can destroy some vitamins such as vitamin C and folic acid. It can be added to salads or as a side to nearly any meal.